Call us: +44(0) 7768 051698
Email: info@racecarconsultants.com
Expert Driving Tuition
As part of our commitment to giving you the best possible driving experiences we only ever use the best and most highly qualified instructors.
The role of our fully qualified ARDS instructors are to help each and every driver reach their goals, whether it's simply to feel more comfortable driving a car at speed or to secure race and championship victories.
Their approach to coaching is a personal one, each of our coaches provides ongoing support and guidance to ensure you achieve you goals and continually develop as a driver.

The way it works
There are no fixed rules for driver coaching as everyone is different, however to begin with there are certain areas we focus on more than others to work out exactly where your hidden speed is locked away.
Our expert tuition starts from just £350 a day, please contact us for further details.
Track Days
Track days are a great way for us to start our coaching programme as it gives us the chance to sit side by side with the driver and see their driving style and strengths, whilst also noting areas for improvement.
Track days are also an excellent way to effectively learn new race circuits or to refresh your memory of a track you may not have visited for some time.
All you need for most European trackdays is a full driving licence and road legal vehicle, that's it.
Test Days
Test days are typically used for race car development, but can also be utilised very effectively as a driver development day too. All too often we see engineers making radical changes in vehicle setup, when with some very subtle changes to driver corner entry/exit style that ‘little extra’ can be found.
There are several areas we focus on during test days, including both the mental and physical aspects to ensure that you consistently perform at your best.
Don't have a race licence? Why not take the first steps to becoming a racing driver with our ARDS Course?
Further Information
For further information on our driver coaching services please do give us a call.